Monday, August 27, 2012

20th Class Reunion

     Recently, my 20th Class Reunion came and went. I wasn't able to make it to California, but my thoughts were with the merry reunion attendees as they drank, laughed and caught-up on old times of remember when? Twenty years-ago...those old times. Photos abound on Facebook and other social websites, as many who attended returned to search their long-lost archive of belongings to see what could be found, or better yet, dug up. 
     We all looked so young and beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that I would swear we could've been inserted into some new and improved MTV reality spin-off sure to trump that Laguna Beach show. Wait, what?
     How lame are they, the producers of this "reality" show. Lame they would take the idea of kids living in an amazingly plush environment where beautiful cast members abound, all classmates or mere acquaintances. But beautiful, none-the-less. Even the friends of friends were "easy on the eyes," as my late grandfather once said. And, they weren't even in the "inner" circle of cast members. Then there's the drug use, anorexia or bulimia, drinking, sex, angst, sex, drinking and all of the drama associated with the latter. Let's face it. The show could write itself.
    Still to this day, I don't know what the characters names were. I never found the time to watch it...or wanted to watch it, really. Something tells me the show was simply a way to create another starlet in the making, poised to make her debut on a network show. I believe they got their wish on that one, too. Again, I can't recall what her name was. And, she wasn't even from Laguna. How fake can you be?

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